A Cat's Love

Mom said that cats are ungrateful animals, especially when compared to dogs. But for me I think, a dog or a cat has the same great love for its owner.

Because it is so loyal, a dog will always be with its owner, whether its love for the owner is reciprocated or not, whether its owner is in love with it or is busy cultivating some other love. In short, no matter what, a dog will always be there and endure sadness even when it hurts so much.

Being a cat is different. The love of cats for humans is more passionate and entangled. Sometimes it's lively and enthusiastic, sometimes it's soft and passionate like a lawn in the morning. And most importantly, cats allow themselves to walk away when they feel like it's enough, when the love for humans is no longer reciprocated, or when they realize they are no longer loved. Thus they will have freedom, freedom to heal their wounds, and freedom to love other subjects.

And sometimes the freedom to return home. Freedom to give themselves the right to fall back in love again.

As I see, in the love between cats and humans, there has never been a master-servant relationship. It must be an equal and warm love at times, with ups and downs, and moody like any other love story in this world.

Dogs and cats behave differently, just because their perceptions of love are different. But because I can sympathize with that pride in cats, if I were to choose, I still want to be a cat and to love and be loved like a cat.


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