Aloe Vera

These Aloe Vera plants traveled more than a thousand miles from Malaysia to Thailand. Before Thailand, they traveled another thousand miles all the way from Vietnam to Malaysia more than 1 years ago. I never notice until now. I think they traveled abroad even more than my parents did. The tiniest one was actually borned in Malaysia.

I remember when they were brought from Vietnam, they also were tiny little cute plans put in the plastic bags, up in the air, landed in a place far away from home. I wonder how they felt when they was in the luggage, all dark and messy and humid. I wonder how they felt when they got out of the luggage, living in the new soil and were embraced by the new sunlight. I wonder how they are feeling now, when they are living under a palm trees in a small balcony of a small house, somewhere in Bangkok. I wonder if they know they will survive or will die because their livings are actually not in their control. What if I forget to water them for a month. I can't imagine.

But, if Aloe Vera can survive going through such things, so do I, so do we.


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