When I Am Not There

When I am not there
Set up your own alarm
For I cannot wake you up
With a kiss on your head
Or by the sound of the coffee machine

When I am not there
Take the taxi back home
Whenever you go for groceries
As it will be so heavy
For you alone, to carry all the burden

When I am not there
Savour your mouth with the best cuisine possible
Drink fine wine and fruit juice
Even if the meal is of one person
Just spoil yourself as much as we used to do

When I am not there
Take your time at the gym, even for just ten minutes
Put on your favorite musics
And dance your weird moves on the treadmill
As if I were there laughing at you

When I am not there
Keep your Google Maps on
So if there are fires in Yaowarrat like the last time
Or if you lost again in Jatujak
Without my lead, you can escape and find way home

When I am not there
I guess you will skip time at the park
As you may not find a good spot just for one
And no one will chase the Komodos away
While you are deep in meditation

When I am not there
Remember to turn off the iron and the stoves
Whenever you go out or work
For I will not be there checking again
Preventing you from burning the house

When I am not there
Go to bed as early as you could
Don't try finishing a series every 3 days
Like what you always wish you could do
Without being scolded by me
Also, listen to sleep piano to fall as sleep easier
As I would not be there telling endless nonsense stories
Not realizing you have already been in your second dream

Now you've learned to make your own coffee
I hope you will learn to make many things else
By yourself or with someone else
Including your own happiness
Knowing that you are happy
Would mean the world to me
Even when I am not there
With you.


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