Leaves Upon A Tree

Like leaves upon a tree,
Blown by winds so wild and free,
Their presence blesses earth below.
New wisdoms, gifts, and stories grow.

Some stay, like autumn's golden hues,
Others fleeting, like the morning dews,
But all leave marks within our hearts,
Memories, that never truly depart.

Embrace the flow, let go of need,
And find the freedom that comes from seed.
Each person, a teacher in disguise,
Each relationship, an open sky.

Gratitude for all, in every goodbye,
For every life, we all intertwine.
Hold dear the ones we love so true,
And like feathers, set them free anew.

Though they depart, their impact endures,
In memories, a truth forever pure.
Like leaves and earth, we're intertwined,
A connection, forever strong and kind.


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