Taipei, Don't Cry

In the city that's carved
    by the sea and the mountain mist,
Where the old and the new,
    the antique and the modern coexist,
I find beauty that's cinematic,
    that takes my breath away,
And a sadness that lingers,
    like the rain on a winter day.

The hills that rise up,
    shrouded in mystery and grace,
And the streets that are bustling,
    with a rhythm and pace,
The tea houses and temples,
    that whisper of bygone days,
The markets that bustle,
    with their scents and their arrays.

And in the eyes of the people,
    I see the soul of the city,
With tales of laughter and tears,
    of dreams and reality,
They are the mirrors that reflect,
    the history and the art,
Of a place that's so rich, so full,
    so close to the heart.

So Taipei, my dear, don't cry,
    for you're so much more,
Than the sadness that sometimes,
    makes you feel so sore,
You are the sun that shines bright,
    the moon that glows at night,
The laughter and the tears,
    the colors and the light.

You are the past and the future,
    the now and the then,
The home of a million stories,
    the beginning and the end,
So Taipei, don't cry,
    for you are loved so much,
By the hearts of all who've seen,
    your beauty and your touch.


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