Taste of the Summer

Summer fruits in Thailand bring me a rush of love and longing for the country. Each flavor is a memory, a taste of the happiness, taste of the good old days.

Mangosteen's delicate flesh, melting in my mouth, recalls the Thai people's warmth and the land's lush beauty. The sweet, tangy flavor, like peaches and grapes, mixed, and the deep purple skin, alluring, take me back to lazy afternoons lying with my lover in our windy bed room, to the many times we ate the fruits to replace our usual meals.

Langsat's sweet, aromatic flavor, like lychee, sends memories of carefree days. The thin skin, which is easy to peel, symbolizes the simple joys of life in Thailand. The experience of eating Langsat is a reminder of exploring new places and meeting new people.

Mango, a staple of the country, is a symbol of Thai culture's richness and life's abundance. The juicy, sweet flesh, quenching my thirst on hot days, represents the Thai people's vitality and energy. The knowledge that Thai mangoes are sweeter than other places, makes my love for the fruit grows.

Mandarin, or tangerine, recalls the bright spirit of Thailand, laughter, and joy. Its sweet, tangy flavor adds sunshine to every bite, reminding me of my youthful summer days, under the tropical sun, kayaking on top of the magical coral reefs, or running freely along the endless white-sand beaches.

The summer fruits - a beautiful symbol of life and love remembered during time spent in Thailand, a taste of real happiness. Experiencing each kind of fruit, along with the people and land, has left in my heart a deep longing, and a lasting love for Thailand.


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